Starting April 1, 2025, new guidelines are in effect for any student taking a course with a field placement. The following clearances must be received in the Office of Clinical Studies by July 15th on an annual basis:
1) DE State and Federal criminal fingerprinting clearance (CBC); 2) Child Protection Registry clearance (CPR);
The third clearance, TB test clearance, is good for three years. It must be renewed before the student teaching or residency placement.
*****Students who have had their clearances completed prior to April 1, 2025 will be REQUIRED to get their clearances again in order to be in compliance with the new guidelines.
Office of Clinical Studies
All students taking a course with a field placement must complete a set of clearances by the first day of the semester. Students will have to drop any course(s) if these clearances are not completed. Click on the links below to learn about the clearances required for courses, including student teaching.