Office of Clinical Studies
Criminal Background Clearances
All students at the University of Delaware taking an eligible course with a field placement must have a valid DE State and Federal criminal fingerprinting background clearance (CBC) on file in the Office of Clinical Studies by July 15th. CBC’s are only valid for two consecutive semester (see table below). If you do not have a valid CBC on file with the Office of Clinical Studies by the first day of the semester, you will be instructed to drop your course(s) with a field placement.
The CBC should be completed before you leave campus in the semester prior to taking a course with a field placement (e.g., complete the check by May for the Fall semester and by December for the Spring semester).
Which Courses Require A Criminal Background Clearance?
Click here for the list of educator preparation courses that require a criminal background clearance.
Will A Background Clearance For An Employer Clear Me?
A background clearance for an employer will not clear you for field experiences. Most places of employment, even those that work with children and youth (e.g., the Early Learning Center), do not require the level of clearance necessary for a field placement or student teaching.
Are There Special Clearances Needed for Early Childhood Education Majors?
If you are an ECE major, you will have a placement at the Lab School and possibly the Early Learning Center, which are licensed day care centers. Therefore, you are required to complete special clearances. Information and instructions can be found by going to our ECE Special Clearances.
Need help? Make an appointment to meet with OCS IN PERSON to discuss your clearances.
Has My Criminal Background Clearance Expired?
Students in teacher education programs can log into the Office of Clinical Studies DRF in Taskstream to access the date of their most recent criminal background clearance (CBC). Then, use the table below to determine if your CBC is valid for the courses you are planning to take. You should keep a copy of your CBC, giving you a record of the date of your last check.
Need help? Make an appointment to meet with OCS IN PERSON to discuss your clearances.
ALL CLEARANCES COMPLETED BEFORE November 1, 2024 ARE NO LONGER VALID for the fall 2025 semester.
My last criminal background clearance was completed: | These are the semesters/sessions through which my clearance is valid: |
July 1, 2024 or later | Summer 2025 Session I |
August 1, 2024 or later | Summer 2025 Session II |
November 1, 2024 or later | Fall 2025 |
February 1, 2025 or later | Winter 2026 |
April 1, 2025 or later | Spring 2026 |
How Do I Obtain The Delaware State and Federal Criminal Fingerprinting Background Clearances (CBC)?
Identogo processes the Delaware State and Federal Criminal Fingerprinting Background Clearance. This process is for University of Delaware Students only. In order to be cleared for any type of field placement, you will need to complete the following steps:
- Register for your appointment by going to:
- Provide Service Code 27S2HF
- Choose Schedule or Manage Appointment
- Choose name/method of contact
- Complete Required Prompts
- Choose a Location:
- Locations for Fingerprinting
- Bus 33 (Christiana Mall Location)
- Submit Registration
- You will receive a confirmation email of your appointment
- You may edit your appointment by going to:
- The Office of Clinical Studies will receive a copy of your results
Items To Take To Your Appointment
You will need to take the following items to your appointment.
- Form of photo identification that you registered with Identogo.
- Payment of $38 in the form of credit/debit card, money order.
After your Appointment
You will be given a verification receipt which indicates that you have been fingerprinted and that the SBI and FBI are processing your requests for your criminal history (which may take up to four weeks before University of Delaware receives them). Keep this verification receipt as proof. The Office of Clinical Studies will receive a copy of your results.
Need a copy of your background clearance(s)? You can request a copy from the Office of Clinical Studies by completing the Request a Copy form. Allow five business days for processing. All copies will be sent via UD Drop Box. Any requests for TB test results must be done through Student Health.
Please feel free to contact the Office of Clinical Studies at and type “fingerprinting” in the subject line if you have any questions.