Office of Clinical Studies

The Office of Clinical Studies (OCS) works collaboratively with faculty who are teaching or planning courses with field experiences. If your course is not on the list of courses with early or methods field experiences or you are planning a new course with a field experience, please contact OCS at so that we can support you with the logistics around field experiences.
Clearance Information
All courses with field placements require students to have 1) a valid criminal background clearance (CBC) on file at OCS, 2) a cleared TB test on file at Student Health Services at Laurel Hall, and 3) Child Protection Registry clearance by the first day of the semester. Students are responsible for completing their clearances. OCS notifies students systematically about completing the CBC and TB test so that they are eligible to take your course.
Please direct students to our website for the most current information regarding background clearances. For example, they can learn if their CBC is valid or learn how to complete the TB test.
Below are the steps that OCS takes to help students complete their clearances.
- Incoming freshman are notified by US mail in June to have their clearances completed before arriving on campus.
- Current students receive an email prior to fall and spring registration reminding them to complete the clearances for courses with field placements in the subsequent semester.
- OCS provides transportation for students to complete the CBC at Troop 2 in Bear during the first week in May and December. Please encourage students to take advantage of this service.
- After students register for courses, OCS routinely monitors course rosters and notifies the students who need updated clearances. Students who do not have a valid CBC on file by the first day of the semester will be instructed to drop the course(s) with a field placement. No exceptions are made for students who do not have a valid CBC by the first day of the semester per the University Council on Teacher Education.
- Course instructors receive an email by the first day of class with the list of students who are not cleared and need to drop the class.
Dispositions Policy
If you identify a teacher candidate who exhibits behaviors inconsistent with the eight dispositions in your course or in the field, you may complete the Professional Dispositions of Effective Educators – Evaluator Form and submit it to the candidate’s program coordinator. If the program coordinator determines that a meeting with the candidate is warranted based on the evaluation, then he or she will follow the steps for a dispositions meeting outlined in the Professionalism Policy for Professional Education Candidates. After the meeting with the teacher candidate, the program coordinator submits a copy of the signed disposition form to the Office of Clinical Studies.
Helpful Links
You may find some of the following links helpful for your course or work with students in the field.