Office of Clinical Studies

Interested in Becoming a Clinical Educator?
We are always interested in working with new clinical educators eager to help teacher candidates on their journey to becoming a teacher!
Each district has a particular process for identifying clinical educators. If you are interested in becoming a clinical educator for a teacher candidate in their early field experience, methods field experience, and/or student teaching, please contact UD’s Office of Clinical Studies at We will gladly work with you and your district.
Characteristics of Clinical Educators
The characteristics of clinical educators describes the characteristics and requirements for working with teacher candidates at the University of Delaware.
Teacher Field Placement at a Glance
Field placement provides University of Delaware teacher candidates (TC) with opportunities to learn about the teaching profession in a real-world setting. Clinical educators (CE) are critical to the field placement process. Here are the different types of field placements.
Professional Development
The University of Delaware provides professional development to prepare you for the role of a clinical educator. The professional development includes opportunities for training to become a mentor and to learn the student teaching evaluation rubric and rating practices. The Early Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher Education programs provide additional training in the coteaching approach to student teaching. Professional development clock hours are provided for working with teacher candidates and engaging in professional development.