Office of Clinical Studies

Information for Field Instructors
The Office of Clinical Studies works in partnership with field instructors (supervisors) who work with teacher candidates during their student teaching experience. The Office serves as a liaison to the placement sites and coordinates the logistics for all student teaching placements. Please contact the Assistant Director or Associate Director to discuss potential changes in the student teaching placements.
Student Teacher Evaluation
Click here to find the Teacher Candidate DTGSS Clinical Experience Evaluation and supporting materials. You will login into Taskstream to complete the “DTGSS Evaluation” and “Evaluation of Clinical Educator” follow the steps below. Click here for instructions on how to use Taskstream and the contact information for support. The Office of Clinical Studies will pay your honorarium upon receipt of the completed evaluation.
Dispositions Policy
If you identify a candidate who exhibits behaviors inconsistent with the eight dispositions in their course or in the field, you may complete the Professional Dispositions of Effective Educators – Evaluator Form and submit it to the candidate’s program coordinator. The names of the program coordinators are listed on their program web sites, which can be accessed at the CEETP website. If the program coordinator determines that a meeting with the candidate is warranted based on the evaluation, then he or she will follow the steps for a dispositions meeting outlined in the Professionalism Policy for Professional Education Candidates.